t’azur Company b.s.c. (c) is a Bahraini closed joint stock company incorporated under the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain and licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain. t’azur was founded by Unicorn Investment bank with an authorised capital of US$ 500,000,000, of which US$ 58,000,000 is issued and paid up. t’azur provides Family and General Takaful products for individuals and businesses. All t’azur products abide by the principles of the Islamic Shari’a law and are under the supervision of t’azur’s Shari’a Supervisory Board.
t’azur’s ambition is to become the first truly regional Takaful Company, serving clients across the GCC, MENA region and beyond. Consequently, t’azur counts many leading institutions from all across the GCC among its founding shareholders.
Non-Executive Director
Executive Director
Independent Director
Independent Director
Executive Director
Executive Director
Since inception, t’azur has been a significant player in the Islamic Insurance industry and in fulfilling the needs of individuals and corporations by offering Shari’a Compliant products and services that deliver exceptional value and are tailored to suit the specific requirements of its discerning clients in Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait, where t’azur is currently in full operation.
Despite many challenges as a new company, t’azur continues to be determined to expand and grow its operation in the GCC and have successfully overcome these challenges. t’azur’s priority has always been and continues to be the well-being of its Plan Owners.
Above all, the employees of t’azur believe that Islamic Insurance is far from being merely a set of products and services, but rather a means that brings the community together and t’azur pledges to help facilitate this cause. Hence, we strive to adhere to our motto “Together in Trust”.
We would like to thank The Central Bank of Bahrain, Bank Al Khair and our Shareholders for their continuous support.
Sheikh Dr. Abdul Aziz Bin Naif Al Orayer
t'azur has developed a set of Corporate Governance guidelines to promote the effective functioning of the board and its committees as well as for the benefit of its shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders. These Corporate Governance guidelines t'azur follows is designed on the current business operations, ownership, capital structure, and economic conditions in mind. The regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) and the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) are set as the benchmark to these guidelines..
This allows a suitable structure and process to be set in order to provide for proper organization and conduct of business which is based upon transparency, accountability, and the principles of fairness.
Good governance principles require independence, transparency and flexibility. The Board acknowledges the importance of Board structure and, as a consequence one of the Board's most important responsibilities is identifying, evaluating and selecting candidates for the Board of Directors.
The standing committees of the Board are the:
The Board, upon recommendation of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee, will appoint committee members after consultation with the individual directors. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is responsible for initially assessing whether a candidate would be an Independent Director. The Members of the Board of Directors will be elected for a three-year renewable term. An elected member of the Board may be re-elected upon the expiry of his term of office. t'azur will also ensure the Board of Directors will include at least two independent, non-executive members.
The business of t'azur is conducted by management under the oversight of the Board. The roles of the Board and management are related, but distinct. t'azur's business strategy is developed and implemented under the leadership and direction of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) by its officers and other employees.
The Board will ensure that policies are in place that prohibit (or strictly limit) potential conflicts of interest in cases such as:
A member of the Board or any manager may not have any interest, whether directly or indirectly, in transactions or contracts made for the account of t'azur, except with an authorization of the General Meeting. t'azur will also ensure that all directors must declare to the Board any personal interest, whether direct or indirect, he may have in matters brought before the Board. This declaration must be recorded in the minutes and the interested director may not participate in the debates or voting on the resolutions to be adopted in this respect.
In order to safeguard the interests of the stakeholders' t'azur will ensure that the Board will oversee the process of disclosure and communications with external stakeholders. The Board will ensure that disclosures made by t'azur are fair, transparent, comprehensive and timely and reflect the character of t'azur and the nature, complexity and risks inherent in t'azur's business activities.
t'azur will also ensure that the Board meets at least four times per year.
t’azur Company b.s.c. (c) is a Bahraini closed joint stock company incorporated under the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain and licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain.